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Pyongsan Co., Ltd. is working to achieve Vision Plus added on customer needs.

Vision Plus +

  • Global Localize
  • Human
  • Customer Needs
  • Best Solution
Global Localize
We are pursuing global production management by making new technologies.

With our own design and device manufacturing capabilities, we are making production facilities tailored to customers’ needs at R&D and development departments according to their environments. By dramatically shortening time for production and development, we meet their individual demand.

In times of automobile, market refers to a global market. In order to nurture global brand with quality products and services, we set up three domestic corporations as well as major global auto production hubs in the U.S., China and Thailand. Doing so can respond to customer needs in a swift, flexible manner.

We are deploying global matching strategies through diverse business partnership with key joint manufacturing businesses and carmakers.

With promise and agreement led by talents,

our talented employees are one of our valuable assets and also driving engines for promoting our vision and future.
Creating corporate value, research and development, production and management can be underpinned by outstanding employees.

The human-first program is being implemented to foster talents, discover talents and support them to facilitate the growth of talented employees who are our top assets.

Customer Needs
With more than 40 years in the auto joint manufacturing parts and moving toward customer satisfaction

Our company began services with producing joint manufacturing parts for Hyundai Motor’s Poni in 1979. We has grown as a business specializing in manufacturing car joint manufacturing parts until 2009 now.

We will give know-how on production and supply built for more than 40 years to customers.
We will provide more customized services to customers with further cozy, comfortable car joint manufacturing environment, expertise, and accumulated technologies according to customers’ needs.

Best Solution
Customer needs, quality products, and providing tailored solutions

Our goal will not end at just producing joint manufactured products. We will make efforts to become a business that customers and markets want.

We will manufacture and supply top quality parts at an appropriate time and places with customized precision and functionalities. We will continue to set up a system that is mutually beneficial to us and our customers by providing customized joint solutions to customers.

CEO : Lee Bangsu, Lee SangwonTEL : +82-41-422-0112FAX : +82-41-542-2327E-mail : Address : 170-1, Sanjeon-ri, Dunpo-myeon, Assan-Si, ChungCheongnam-do, Korea Business registration number : 312-81-0807

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